

GUEST BLOGGER: Allison Urbina

The Senior English class has an on-going assignment that allow students to write on a variety of topics that interest them. We are happy for the opportunity to share them with you!

Forgiveness in the Bible is such an important topic. The Bible teaches us that forgiveness is not only a virtue, but also a commandment. In Matthew 6:14-15, Jesus says, "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." This reminds us that forgiving others is not just about them, but also about our own spiritual well-being. It's about letting go of grudges and finding peace within ourselves.

So, when we forgive, we imitate God's love and mercy. Throughout the Bible, we see examples of forgiveness, like Joseph forgiving his brothers in Genesis 50:17, and Jesus forgiving those who crucified Him in Luke 23:34. Forgiveness is a powerful act that brings healing and reconciliation. It's not always easy, but it's a journey worth taking. Remember, forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves as much as it is for others. Keep spreading love and forgiveness. Growing up it was difficult for me to forgive because I was not mature enough to own up to my mistakes. But I realized that forgiving people is a part of growing up and having a relationship with God. I really liked doing my Bible study based on forgiveness. I learned many new things and I gained a new perspective in forgiveness. Forgiveness was actually a topic that was brought up in Sabbath School and chapel talks. When I heard the speakers talk about forgiveness I felt like the message was for me and that encouraged me to do my Bible study based on forgiveness today. I plan to talk to others about forgiving others or even asking for forgiveness. It definitely will help us all in a positive way. Sometimes forgiving can come hard to us and that's okay, it's a part of human nature. We sin and make mistakes and may not know it. But if we encounter God in our life he will help us naturally become better persons and he will help us be moved by the Holy Spirit.


A Lesson in Opportunity


Learning New Things